
Summer Program

Updated: March 13, 2025

Every summer, the Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training offers a number of professional development and renewal through the arts programs open to the greater Waldorf community and the public. If you would like to receive our newsletter with news and updates on our upcoming programs and events, please fill out the form on our Contact page.

Summer Program 2025

Each year, we invite lead presenters to share insights on a theme of current relevance for teachers in Waldorf schools. In addition, our team of experienced teachers will share their knowledge with each grades track, ensuring you receive a wide range of perspectives and practical support. Over the course of the week, an understanding of the essential developmental motifs and learning in­tentions for each grade will be built to anchor you in your year.

In-person on the beautiful Marin Waldorf School campus in San rafael, CA

Singing maintains our health and widens our view. It integrates all parts of our individual self – body, soul, spirit – and supports us in our normal, daily lives. It is an essential part of physical life on earth life, binding us as communities, peoples, and cultures, creating settings in which everyone can take part.

Singing also connects us to origins beyond time and space, through the essentials of what lies in speech and musical sounds to the immeasurable, unimaginably large cosmos. It touches all cos-mic elements, including pre-birth, death, destiny. When we sing, we connect to origins. Through singing, we expand the circle of our daily life and its materialism, and breathe into wider surroundings and into the future.

Join us for the third part of this singing workshop, intended for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship to the restorative power of tone and to connecting more closely with the life-giving power of singing. The workshop includes work with Werbeck exercises, experience with tone, lecture, discussion, and sessions in Spacial Dynamics. (Attendance at previous years’ workshop and experience with singing not required.)

Course Instructors: Christiaan Boele and Kate Hammond

Christiaan Boele exhibited strong musicianship early in life that was a solid foundation for future study and his life’s work in music. He currently lives in Finland and conducts courses, schooling of the voice sessions, master classes, and choirs around the world. He has been connected to Werbeck singing for over 50 years.

Kate Hammond is a Waldorf alumna and has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology. She graduated from Emerson College with a certificate in Waldorf Teacher Training, specializing in Early Childhood Education, and has taught kindergarten, preschool, infants, and parent-child classes. She is a Level 3 trainer in Spacial Dynamics®. She is the intrigued mother of two teenage boys.

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Early Childhood Teacher Rejuvenation

June 16-20 | 8am-4pm PT

Children unfold capacities for learning in an environment that supports their natural growth. How do we provide opportunities for cognitive learning in early childhood settings? Enlivening activities in the classroom develop persistence, focus, and a ripeness for knowledge. During this week together, we will consider what the foundation for literacy is and how we can build such capacities in our day-to-day work.

Singing with Christiaan Boele, Speech with Christine Burke, and Eurythmy with Karen Gallagher.

Anjum Mir is a mother of four, and is currently School Co-Coordinator at Westside Waldorf School in Los Angeles. She is on the board of WECAN and several other education-focused organizations and is involved in teacher education and training. Anjum has degrees in Journalism and Cultural Anthropology from Boston University and in Education from University of Texas at Austin, and has trained in Waldorf Early Childhood Education.

Kate Hammond is a Waldorf alumna and has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology. She graduated from Emerson College with a certificate in Waldorf Teacher Training, specializing in Early Childhood Education, and has taught kindergarten, preschool, infants, and parent-child classes. She is a Level 3 trainer in Spacial Dynamics®. She is the intrigued mother of two teenage boys.

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Grades 1-5 Teacher Rejuvenation

June 16-20 | 8am-4:30pm PT

This year, we turn our focus toward the need to reassess what we can do to keep ourselves and our children healthy. In a world of overwhelm and distraction, where do we find our own source of strength and abundance so that we may support the needs of today’s children? What are the Waldorf tools and practices that lie forgotten at the bottom of our backpacks that we can renew and draw upon?

We are very happy to have Warren Lee Cohen again this summer leading our lower grades week. Warren will have just graduated his 8th Grade class and will share his experience of self-care, inner work, and shaping the life of the class to bring sanity and stability to the young child.

He will share his years of experience both as a class teacher and as a former director of the Waldorf teacher training program in Toronto, Canada.

Our team of experienced teachers will share their knowledge with each grades track, ensuring you receive a wide range of perspectives and practical support to help you know where to dig and how to stay afloat in your coming year.

Grades Track Teachers: Warren Lee Cohen, Ganga Sivasankaran, David French, Kristine Deason, Ken Smith.

Singing with Christiaan Boele, Speech with Christine Burke, and Eurythmy with Karen Gallagher.

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Grades 6-8 Teacher Rejuvenation

Image from Whistler Waldorf School

This year, we turn our attention to the importance of experiential learning and the ways it can support middle school students in finding their feet on this earth, building an inner safety net, and discovering pathways to manage the overwhelming influences of screens, social media, and AI.

Paolo Carini will guide the theme of the week, focusing on the development of manual competence for the contemporary student and the fundamental values provided by experiential learning. It is true that we only really know what we have directly experienced in our lives. Building those experiences by engaging in hands-on activities—whether it is making an artistic project, a science project, or a delicious minestrone soup—helps students develop a real sense of manual competence, and with that the confidence to tackle many other challenges, including those that may be considered purely in the thinking realm or in the ethical and social realm. This confidence is deeply nourishing for the soul and is declining dramatically in today’s culture, leading to feelings of helplessness in the face of life’s many challenges.

We are very happy to have Paolo Carini with us again this summer leading our upper grades week. Paolo has taught at the San Francisco Waldorf High School for 28 years and is a longstanding member of the BACWTT faculty. He will share his experiences of guiding young people into lifelong learning.

We have a team of very experienced middle school Waldorf teachers who will share their knowledge with each grades track, ensuring a wide range of perspectives and practical support for the coming year.

Grades Track Teachers: Paolo Carini, Ganga Sivasankaran, David French, Ramona Budrys, Ken Smith

Specialist Arts Faculty: Christiaan Boele (Singing), Christine Burke (Speech), Karen Gallagher (Eurythmy)

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Public Workshops

We will be announcing more public workshops in the coming months.

June 21: The Art of Speech with Christine Burke. Registration coming soon.

Summer Program Attendees: Summer Camp is Available for Children Ages 6 and Up!

Click this link to learn more about the summer camp.

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